Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Pitter Padder....

I've been passively training for a 1/2 marathon in May.  Passively training includes only training when conditions meet your expectations...not raining, some sun(as long as it rises or sets while I'm running), some type of fingerless glove that I can hold my iPod with but keep somewhat warm.  This is my definition to avoid instances of snow and rain - which we still do get here in New England in April. .Today is a day I'm supposed to run, according to the schedule.  I woke up this morning to the sound of hail and rain on the window and snuggled back in.  Later when I woke, for a momen0,t I was sad I did not have a chance to run.  I will not have time this evening as my son and I attend Bedtime Story Hour at the library most Tuesdays.  As I sat at the kitchen thinking of the missed moment of running, I looked out into the yard and saw the hundreds of day lilies I had planted this weekend.  Ah, that is why I'm not running.  They need a drink.  And in that moment, my mind shifted to grateful.  Grateful to knowing that everything happens for a reason and often times its bigger then me who knows why that reason is.  Pitter padder...enjoy the rain moment.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Today is Your Moment

“The chief beauty about time
is that you cannot waste it in advance.
The next year, the next day, the next hour are lying ready for you,
as perfect, as unspoiled,
as if you had never wasted or misapplied
a single moment in all your life.
You can turn over a new leaf every hour
if you choose.”
Arnold Bennett

Sometimes I search for quotes to give me a new perspective on a seemlingly ordinary day or moment.  I find solice in knowing generations before me have went through similar situations and have survived just fine.

So take today.  Take this moment.  Choose to live it in a new way that works for you.  Forgive yourself for yesterday and do not doubt you have it in you to live today to the fullest.

Have a wonderful day.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Morning Moments

As my Keurig warms up and the snow continues to quietly blanket New England, I find a strong desire to put words to paper.  With life quickly moving around me, there is great solice in pausing for a moment and capturing simple times. 

In the past few months, I have started reading some blogs as a way to get quick snipits of information, almost in the way that you read a magazine while you are getting a pedicure.  You know, you are reading along and someone pokes at your body-- oh what was that.  Oh yes, one of my three lovely children, reminding me that reading someone else's thoughts is at that moment just not as important as a moment with them.  I morph from that 20 year old with no care in the world into the Mum who needs to be a pirate on a sinking ship (couch) stat.

As I read these blogs, I often think to myself how lucky these women are to find the time to write/edit what is on their mind.  I have so much on my mind.  So many ideas of what to teach the kids, how to decorate the house, how to eat more mindfully, and where in the world I want to visit and see.  With these lists scattered on post it notes, journals, my iPhone, I find myself longing to have one comprehensive place where I can find myself acknowledging all the things I have done and all the things I want to do.  But then I think, where does the desire to complete all these tasks come from?  Is it so important to do them?  Or am I just making up deadlines to appease some inner voice telling me it's important? They must be important because I keep adding to the list and happily cross off when one is reached.  Or is there something to be said about just being in the moment with out worrying about where the next adventure will lead to or how to orchestrate the next neighborhood gathering (it has to be memorable for goodness sakes). 

Each. Simple. Moment.

I'm going to try and be present in each simple moment for the rest of the week.  With a successful attorney husband, a full time job and three of the loveliest children you will ever meet, staying aligned to an over-arching plan will keep me true.  Remembering to be forgiving of myself if something does not go exactly to plan (did I mention it's snowing and I have a certifiction to complete this AM), keeps me in the moment of the day.  Tomorrow may be less stressful, or not.  Being in this moment, for myself and family, will carry me through the day and revel in the joy that each family member brings to my life.
